
Nathalia Olvera is a first-generation Latina college student who is a semester away from graduating with a Bachelor's in Fashion Design at Colorado State University. Born and raised in Colorado, she found her passion in design because of how she could communicate complex ideas through unconventional shapes and colors. During her time at CSU, she slowly began to venture into the world of avant-garde design and has had two pieces walk down the annual CSU fashion show. Recently, she began her internship with NYC-based costume designer Ryan Park, where she is learning the ins and outs of the industry.  In May, she will be showcasing her senior collection "Apoptosis" which includes 5 looks inspired by the idea that defective cells must commit voluntary suicide in order to make room for new ones to regenerate.


  • Researched and sourced costumes for off Broadway show, Conversations with Mother
  • Effectively communicated with industry professionals to better understand project goals
  • Paid attention to detail when garment rigging and sewing while working under pressure to meet short deadlines
  • Precisely hand sewn beaded pieces to a promo look for a drag queen on Drag Race UK
  • Accurately sourced items and swatched fabrics for NCL’s show, Latin Fusion
  • Professionally prepared garments, accessorized, and dressed the actors and dancers of Broadway Radio Hour
  • Designed, researched, and sourced all of the spectacular looks alongside Ryan Park for the new Vegas show, Astrologia